Thursday, March 27, 2008

Abused BY CHILDREN, not child abuse!


This is a real time account of what happened to me on a plane last Sunday, typed from my journal: (It may not be grammatically correct but its raw)

"So I am a single guy, and my family and friends are in a different state that I am, so I fly a lot more than I use to. The problem is that I am single. I, being a somewhat responsible traveler know how to smoothly pick my seat, sign in online get to the airport just in time sit down in my WINDOW seat and wait if and WHEN I either get the boot or I get tuck next to "I am an American aka I am EXTREMELY fat.
Lets for this sake take the first scenerio since its happening now (interupted by a child right now saying "GIMMIE MY CHOCOLATE NOW"
Now because I am single young and slim I am discriminated again in the plane. ( I know poor me since everyone else wants to be young and singe, but I am only talking about discrimination in the plane.
I assigned myself seat 20A online 6 hours before I stepped on this plane, and its just where I liked it. I put my headphones on and no one annoys or talks to me and its perfect.
Just as I am all settled the flight attendant asked me if I could more because if I could move because the lady who just entered has 3 little children and she wasn't assigned seats with her children.
Now if she was responsible I know she could have called 1-800-225-2525 and the airline would have placed her before I move my seat. But no. Now I am sitting inbetween one of hte three little brats who plopped down and hasn't stopped moving his vocal chords and hasnt' stopped squirming. Add to this his mom right after they made me move to a MIDDLE seat gave "Alex" a happy meal.
I don't necessarily hate the fast food industry but I detest the smell esxpecially when I am in a flying tume and can't frickin move (edited there).
Now the mom just bought the dam kid potato chips on the plane---YAY (NOT!)
When its populating this earth more imprtant than my comfort... I just don't know if people should have children.
Ok one more thing then I am hopefully going to get some rest. I told you I was sitting in a middle seat. guess who's on the OTHER side of me. No actually for once its not a fat person, but a teenage PUNK who wouldn't put his phone away. He was checking his text AFTER he wasin the air. I stearnly had to say to him, "Put the phone away now!" This is going to be a great 3 hours to come.
(At the end of the flight)
Well its over and I did actually get to sleep, but I think it was body shutdown because it couldn't handle all the stimulation. But the seats from the mom and all the kids were an absoulute disaster. I never wanted to get off the plane more than this one, maybe except sitting next to teh 350 pound person eating potato chips.

1 comment:

Mach1 said...

They make sedatives for people like you.

And me, too, I guess.