Thursday, October 30, 2008

I know I haven't posted in awhile but I wanted to comment on Abroad in America. While most countries are in the upswing of Gay Marriage such as Spain, and other countries, America has slid the other way. We have slid the other way because of the "fear politics" not just at a national level but at a state level too. I encourage anyone to vote no on propositions to ban same sex marriage. While I blog about usually useless events, one item I am passionate about is same sex marriage and the Catholic Church and the Bill of Rights.
Please visit Fr. Geoff Farrow's blog to understand how bad this amendment is. Countries I look up to have made marriage legal for all people who are in a loving committed relationships. Isn't it time we do the same, and not ban rights for our citizens? Aren't we the land of the free?

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